The Masonic Order of Athelstan
The Masonic Order of Athelstan
in England, Wales and its Provinces Overseas ~ Province of Sussex

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Mastermind lectures Archbishop Aethelhelm Court

Mastermind lectures Archbishop Aethelhelm Court
Photo: ‘Laugh, I nearly bought a drink’... Mike Ellis, Mark Donovan and Andrew Fox

The regular meeting of Archbishop Aethelhelm Court, No 34, was held at Nutfield on Tuesday 8th July 2014. All present were disappointed that the Court Master, W Bro Alan Zimon, was not able to be present due to recent surgery. W Bro Alan had been ever present at Court meetings since the Consecration of the Court. His larger than life presence has contributed to the success and happiness of the Court. The members wish Alan a speedy recovery and look forward to his company at future Court meetings.

In the finest traditions of Alan’s philosophy on life the meeting proved to be a Daily Advancement’ in Masonic knowledge and also a very happy meeting. The advancement in daily knowledge certainly applied to the Very Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Bro Roy Leavers, and the acting Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Marshal, Bro Lee Everett, who were both attending a Court for the first time in their new Provincial offices. There then followed a true advancement in Masonic knowledge in every sense of the words. Bro Leslie Grout, a former Mastermind winner, delivered a most interesting and absorbing lecture on ‘Royal Masons’ to the joy of all present.

Bro Steven Cann was subsequently elected as Master for the ensuing year. After which W Bro Michael Ellis informed the Brethren that he would be submitting documentation for at least two Candidates for Instruction within the coming 12 months.

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